
Hello friends hope you are having a secure & prosperous life. There are many types and methods through which anyone can easily reduce the stress & problems occurring in their day to day life. I will like to share one of the methods with you and gives you all the essential & vital information about that method in a detailed & step by step procedure.

Today whole world is going through a very pandemic & very drastic situation. Corona virus is spreaded mostly countries in all over the world. People’s living anywhere on the world has been facing the problems due to this virus. So I would like to share a small motivational & inspirational line that gives you courage to face any type of disastrous situations. So the line is “This time will also be passed”. The meaning of this line is that nothing is permanent in life either it is happiness or sorrow. Let’s start with the article.

What is Meditation?

Meditation in simple words should be explained as a simple procedure to control the mind & unlimited wishes which are continuously running into our mind & it is also helpful in acknowledging the hidden power & capabilities of our mind through which we are able to get whatever we wants in our day to day life.

Types of Meditation: - Basically meditation should be divided into two main parts. But as per the convenience some more parts are also made through which meditation can be done. But in this article we have discuss only about the main types of meditation.

(1.)          Concentrative Meditation- In this type a human has to focus all his energy on a particular object or thing & forget about all the things & surroundings nearby you. Such type of meditation is very much beneficial in increasing & improving the concentration of anyone who is doing it in a regular manner.

(2.)          Mindfulness Concentration- Through this process we can solve various problems such as stress, depression etc. A regular practice of this technique is very much helpful to a normal person. Through this a normal person can easily solve his day to day life problems in a convenient manner & it also improves the mind power & ideology of that person.

There are some specific steps through which a normal person can do meditation.

Ø Always select a place or spot which is completely free from all type of distractions.

Ø Normal people have to perform meditation always in a regular time interval & increase the time duration of meditation in a positive manner.

Ø Always try to think positive during the meditation process. So that it is always beneficial to you.

Ø When you are doing meditation your body should be always in a comfortable manner & shape.

Benefits of Meditation in day to day life:-

·       Very much helpful in improving efficiency & immunity.

·       Improves your skills & mind power.

·       Helps in reducing day to day problems like stress, anxiety, depression, headache & other problems like this.

·       Increases self awareness.

·       Improves decision making power & self confidence.

·       Helpful in improving self awareness & positive nature.




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